Saturday, March 29, 2008


First of all.. Taylor slept in her crib (in her own room) last night for the FIRST time!! She has been sleeping in the pack -and -play in our room.. right next to our bed since we came home from the hospital. James and I both agreed that when she turned 6 months.. we would move her into her own room! It was hard.. and scary.. but she was great!! We both went in there once to put her pacifier back in her mouth and that was it.. she slept like she normally does!! A sweet friend of mine, Sally, recommended getting this monitor where you can see the baby on a video screen.. well let me just tell you.. it is worth EVERY penny!! All we had to do was wake up, look at the monitor to SEE her.. and go back to sleep!! Best invention ever!! WE absolutely love it..

We went to the doctor yesterday for Taylor's 6 month shots..... shot part is not fun!! Anyway, we had an excellent appointment. So the rumor is that most babies grow out of all that sickness by six months.. and so far.. we think we may be part of that myth! Taylor's eyes have not drained for over 2 weeks now, and the doctor says that means the tear ducts have opened up on their own!! Praise the Lord!! We have not actually seen the eye doctor, but all seems well. Since Taylor is now sitting up so well, the doctor has asked us to take her off the prevacid( for the reflux) and see how she does. If there is no major spitting up involved.. we will be off the medicine for GOOD!!! YAY... we just hope that is the case. Ears seem to be fine also!
STATS: 18 lbs, 27 inches long
Taylor is in the 75th percentile for head and length... and in the 90th percentile for weight!! She is solid as a rock!!
Last but not least.. Taylor is getting her first tooth!! I have been telling everyone for about 2 wks now that I thought I felt a tooth making its way through in her mouth.. and they all thought I was crazy.. but the doctor confirmed it!! She said that the tooth could be here as early as a week!! Have a wonderful weekend!!


Bo, Tori, and Brayden said...

glad to hear taylor got a good check up. brayden was right at 6 months when he got his first tooth and when it broke through, the next one came about 2 weeks later.

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear that Taylor is doing so well. I hope she has outgrown all the acid reflux and eye problems.