Tuesday, March 11, 2008

LOOK AT ME.........

Taylor has finally outgrown the sling in the bathtub!! She has really been too big for it for a while now, but we were scared to sit her up in the tub before she could hold herself up. Well, being the headstrong child that she is, she is sitting up pretty well. We caught her on camera last night while taking her bath. Thank goodness she has not learned how to splash the water yet.. hopefully she will hold out on that for a while!! (not likely)She likes to be loud and I just know it will be a huge mess!! We went back to the doctor yesterday for a follow up on Taylor's ears. The eardrum seems to have healed. Taylor weighed 16 lbs and 14 oz. Doctor said she is in the 75th percentile for weight!! We go back at the end of the month for her 6 month shots, and they will measure everything else then. She is doing really well. Everyday she seems to find her laugh a little more and thinks it's fun to be even louder than she already is!! This age is so much fun!!! We just love watching our baby grow!