Tuesday, February 2, 2010

One Week Old

This first week has gone by so fast. It seems like a blurr, looking back at how fast J came into this world, but we are so thankful he did. His first week has been pretty good so far. He had his days/nights mixed up for the first couple nights, and we had to find his "favorite" sleeping spot.. which ended up being the bouncer for now. We tried the bassinet and the pack-n-play, neither worked. He loves the bouncer and sleeps so peacefully there. He is eating pretty good. We have to wake him up for some of his feedings because he is such a sleepy head right now.
We had a check-up at the doctor yesterday and he looks good. He only weighed 6.25 lbs, but the doctor said he should start gaining his weight back in the next couple days. He already grew an inch in just a week, so we know he is growing!!
Taylor is adjusting pretty well, she gets a little "whiny" at times, but for the most part, she is loving her baby brother will all she's got.. and then some. She hugs on him ALL the time, even when she doesn't need to :)
We are so happy to be a family of 4 and so blessed to have this little prince in our lives!!
Happy One Week Birthday J!!! Your Mommy, Daddy, and Sister love you!!!

Had to post this pic.. this is taylor's new favorite thing.. she uses her stool to reach anything and everything she possibly can.. and stuff she's not supposed to have. This has already gotten her in trouble because stuff that used to be "out of reach" is now in her reach.. Oh she never stops amazing us!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is a doll! Congrats!!!!!