Thursday, July 31, 2008

10 MONTHS!!!!

We have been so busy that i didn't have time to post about Miss Taylor turning 10 months!! Well, there is so much to say about this little girl that I can't even begin to describe.. but I will try. She has really blossomed over the last month. She is everywhere and into everything. She now has 4 teeth. She eats a whole lot of table food... probably hasn't had a jar of babyfood in over a week. She loves to eat.. and anything for that matter. We are so thankful she is NOT a picky eater. Some favorite NEW foods : macaroni, cheese, goldfish, animal crackers, cheese puffs, fruit loops, cheerios, mini waffles, mini pancakes ( great for little hands), and ritz crackers. Taylor will eat anything we give her and she LOVES to feed Kane. She finally realized that he would eat out of her hand, so every time she has food in her hands... she gives kane a bite.. and then sticks it back in her mouth.. yeah.. GROSS!! Oh well, they have become such good friends and Taylor squeals when Kane runs by!! She just thinks he is so funny!!
We are attempting to swap Taylor from drinking formula out of a bottle to drinking it out of a sippy cup... so when she changes to whole milk.. it won't be such a big difference. She has done very well with it.. she just makes a huge mess because she shakes the sippy cup and it flies out (supposed to be spill proof) but I hope it won't be a problem. She is very attatched to her sippy cup with handles.... she LOVES water (with ice) so we didn't try to put milk in that cup because it would really confuse her.
She has started saying mamamam which I call Momma!!! Ha!! She squeals at everone in her sight and is such a happy baby. She plays very well by herself and loves to share with us. She likes the word "thank you" so when she gives us something, we say thank you and she laughs!! It is amazing how much personality this child has. All sorts of people tell us what a talker she is!! She is the light of our life and I will say this once again... God is so good and has truly blessed us with an angel!! Pics on the next few posts!!

1 comment:

Samantha said...

It's good to see an update from you guys. Taylor is doing so well and seems to be very advanced! I know you guys are really proud. I started Hunter EARLY on sippy cups. And started putting formula in his early and he transitioned to real milk fast! I had him off formula way before one and gave him vitamins to supplement.

Cute pictures! Get ready for a wonderful adventure! It's amazing the stages they go through from here on. Good luck with everything!