Yes, FOUR!!! That's the number of people in the Wamble Family now!!! James, Taylor, and I are expecting baby #2 in February!! We are all so excited and cannot wait for this little bundle to be here! WE have really talked to Taylor a lot about how she is the "Big Sis" so that she won't be confused when the time comes. She looks at my ultrasound pics and tells us that's the little baby in mommy's tummy.. so I think she understands!! This is one of the real reasons behind me potty training so fast and wanting it to work. I wanted Tay to be good and potty trained before the baby arrives so she wouldn't go backwards. Well, it was a SUCCESS!! She has done so well and we are so very proud of her! She is such a big girl and she knows it. She is such a good helper and I have started letting her help me with things a little more because you know I will definitley need her help when the baby gets here. I had an ultrasound on Monday (9 wks) and we saw the baby and heard the hearbeat which was WONDERFUL!!! We could even see arms, legs, eyes, and nose, which was amazing for this early on! FYI: This baby has the same nose as Taylor, which is neither mine or James'. That's how well you could see it!!
On another note, I have been feeling A LOT worse this 2nd time around. I'm not sure if it's from chasing taylor around, or just being pregnant, but I did not feel this bad with Taylor. Hopefully that will go away SOON!!!
God has been so great to us and has TRULY BLESSED our family. Please pray that everything continues to go well and we have a healthy Wamble baby in February!!!

this is Taylor licking the icing on the cookies after she helped me bake them... they are cake batter cookies and are sooo delicious!!!

Taylor went to school on Monday because I had a Dr. appt, and they read a story about Ants.. and made ant antennas!!! She walked around the house all afternoon saying "I'm an ANT, I'm an ANT" sooo stinkin' cute!!