Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bye Bye High-Chair.... Hello Table!!!

Well, I think the title speaks for itself!! Taylor was getting entirely too big for her high chair, so we bought her a little picnic table to go in the kitchen. She LOVES it!! She runs to it and says "eat" and sits down like a big girl. Of course we have the awful battle of Kane trying to pry food from her fingertips, but for the most part, Taylor will say"No Kane" ,"Get Back". She is talking sooooo much right now. She repeats EVERYTHING that comes out of our mouth and doesn't forget a thing. If you tell her let's go.... she is ready to do it!! (and doesn't stop saying it until you finally let her) Anyway, she has grown into a little girl right before our eyes and it is so much fun to inteact with her at this age. We can actually carry on a conversation with her by asking questions and she answers. She knows exactly what she wants and exactly ho to get it from.... Daddy!! She fills ours hearts with joy every day!!!!

she has mastered eating with a fork and spoon.. yay!!

this pic was simply to show that her hair is long enough for a ponytail..... great except for the fact that she pulls it down 10 seconds after i put it up!!!

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