Saturday, February 7, 2009

Taylor... doing what she does best.... PLAYING!!!

Taylor came out of her playroom last night wearing this hat... she wouldn't take it off!!

She also came out with this teapot that Cici got her for Christmas. It's a Backyardigans teapot that sings to you.. well Taylor has just discovered that she can dance on cue... anytime she hears music now, she starts to break dance.. I mean really break it down. It is hilarious to watch her. She will do it wherever she is... and we LOVE it. She carried the teapot around all night pushing the buttons and dancing to the music!! Guess we will need to enroll in dance lesson as soon as possible!!

does not want mommy to take a picture... oh well

she is so silly... she decided she wanted to make her daddy laugh by putting her pail(aka purse) on her head. She carries this pail around like it's her purse. She puts things from the house in it.. and we can't find them!!

smile big!!!

taylor playing with this scarf... which is now hers.. or atleast she thinks it is!!

We have so much fun watching her play!! This is such a fun age. She is talking SO much, and repeats everything we say!! She is really getting good at saying people's names and pointing them out in pictures. She tells us what she wants, food, colors, juice, milk, toys, elmo, ride, car, outside, bath, baby, book, puzzle... you name it!! My most favorite thing she does is say "Go Rebels" it is so cute!! She even does her arm up like a cheerleader when she says it!! She is growing faster than we can keep up with!! I have missed putting all her monthly updates on here, so maybe this will help see what she's been up to lately!! Oh, I have a video of Taylor riding her jeep, but can't get it to upload. She got this jeep for Christmas and wouldn't go near it.. until now. She has learned how to not only ride it, but push the button to make it go forward or backwards!! She has been riding it in the house because of the weather... but today is going to be beautiful!!! Will post pics later of her riding outside!!!

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