Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Eve Day

This is by far, the BEST Christmas. Taylor is at such a great age that she really enjoys all the toys and unwrapping gifts!!! Below are a few pics of Taylor unwrapping gifts. One of her FAVORITE toys is this car my dad and wanda gave Taylor. She says "car" everytime she sees it and goes nuts. She hasn't figured out yet that she has to use her feet to push it, so we just push her around in it!! It is so funny to watch her. She puts her hands on the steering wheel like she is driving!! It is a big hit!! Thanks Nonna and Poppa!!!

Another favorite, the bat and ball set Mal gave Taylor. She uses the bat to go around and whack people and dogs(Kane included). She hasn't figured out that it hurts people yet!!

Taylor unwrapping gifts.... she would say "ooohhhh" every time she started opening!! so cute!!

Taylor bug and Lexi bug..... where's Madyson??

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