Thursday, June 26, 2008

9 months old!!!!!!

Taylor Leigh is 9 months old today!! She has grown so much in the last month that I hardly know where to begin!! She is crawling like a maniac everywhere, pulling up on stuff, trying her hardest to stand up, eating tons of "real" food, playing all by herself, talking/babbling like she has A LOT to tell us, PERSONALITY, PERSONALITY, PERSONALITY!!! This child is very strong-willed. She screams when she wants to do something or when she wants you to do something. She understand the word "no" but doesn't like to be told that. She chews on everything in site. I promise you she has eaten more stuff in this house that I never even knew existed. She thinks it's fun to eat Kane's dog food, play/splash in his water bowl, and chase him around. She is amazed by him.

Some of Taylor's favorites include:
her walker(we refer to it as her car), water, bath time, playing outside, pulling up on stuff, grass, stroller rides, being chased by someone(absolutely loves this), swimming, pots/pans, wooden spoons, newspaper/magazines(only so she can tear it up), shopping with mommy, and buggy rides(grocery store, target, wal-mart, etc.)

Some new and favorite foods:
mashed potatoes, eggs, spinach dip, English peas, mac and cheese, chicken, steak, shrimp, pudding, jello, oatmeal, broccoli, corn, bananas, pineapple, watermelon, grapes, popsicles, and ice cream, and bread.

This pic is Taylor's new hobby... eating off her big girl tray on the floor. This helps keep her busy and in my sight while in the kitchen:)
We finally bit the bullet and bought a new car seat. Taylor is facing forward now and loves it!! She was not a very good car rider mainly because her car seat was getting too small, but also because she couldn't see out!! We have a DVD player in the car, but it comes down from the roof, so she couldn't watch that. Well, now she is a big girl and can watch TV which helps mommy and daddy out. We decided to buy a new car seat last Saturday while we were heading out of town. I was not fired up about sitting in the back seat the whole trip, and Taylor was not going to do well. She absolutely LOVES the new seat, watches TV, sleeps well, and can see out!! And mommy is happy because she can now ride in the front seat with daddy!! My how the smallest things in life can make you so happy!!
Taylor is such a sweet girl and we are enjoying every minute of her little life: the good days and the bad.... they are ALL WORTH IT!!! We love you Taylor!!

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