Wednesday, November 17, 2010

We're Back!!!!

Okay, so I know many of you have asked when I would be able to post some pics.... well... I was finally able to get some uploaded to James' work computer. I have a lot to post about, but will just get you up to date on  the main things!! Taylor is loving her new Pre-school. She has so much fun and has made so many new little friends. J is almost 10 months old. He has been crawling for over 2 months now, and trying to walk for several weeks. He pulls up on everything in sight.. walks along side of it, then sits back down  and crawls around. I'm really not pushing him to walk right now because he is so very busy it is extremely hard to keep up with him. He is loving his sister so much these days.. everything she does, he wants to do.. and vise versa!! I love these two kiddos so much my hearts skips a beat when I look at them. We are so very blessed to have these precious angels... and I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world!!
On another note, James' plant is shutting down in July. His company has asked him to stay and actually close the plant out. They have offered him a job anywhere within the company that he would like to go... and the closest place is Texas. They have been so good to us so far, and he has really enjoyed working for them, so we will probably be in Texas!! We are actually here, in Lufkin, as I type... scoping out the city and seeing if we would enjoy living here. All I can say is that God is taking care of us and we will go wherever he sends us!!
I am so happy to be back in the blogging world!! Check out all my new pics below... my kids are growing up faster than I can blink!!

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