Tuesday, September 30, 2008

She's ONE!!!!!!!

I can't believe it, but the time has come.. and gone!! Taylor turned one last Friday!! We are so blessed to have her in our lives. She is so much fun to be around and she brings a smile to our face and hearts EVERYDAY!!

Sad news: My camera is missing... all the pics from last weekend(including the birthday party) are gone. We think the camera fell out of the truck when James and his dad were bringing all the dishes in from the party.. and living in this apt.. there's no doubt in my mind that someone picked it up.. and kept it!!

Good news: We closed on our new house on Taylor's birthday!! We are so excited.. we move in two weeks!! Downside to this: We still have our house in laurel..... we have a buyer, but their credit keeps getting messed up... so please keep us in your prayers as we really need to sell that house!!

The Birthday Party: Taylor's actual birthday was fun for both James and myself because we got to spend the whole day with her. We both took the day off from work to close on the new house, and of course, spend the day with our little princess!! She had so much fun.. helping us set up for her party.
We had lots of family and friends join us for this special occasion and we were so thankful to have them all there. The party went well.... and Taylor did a great job!! She had so much fun with all her new toys.. and of course, the bags and bows!!

One Year Favorites: mini marshmallows, ritz bitz crackers, ravioli, mini corn dogs, graham cracker sticks, bread, and apple juice!!
New Tricks: climb on anything and everything, climb all over mommy and daddy, run around, be chased by someone, sing songs: itsy bitsy spider, this little light of mine, the wheels on the bus, and if you're happy and you know it, loves to watch sesame street in the car(lifesaver sometimes :0 ), play outside, swing her hands back and forth while she is walking, stomp her foot(she got this from school), wave bye-bye, say "hey", and yell out "momma, mommma" all day!!
She is such a little ray of sunshine and this is such a fun age!!
Pics will come just as soon as I get some!! Hope some good-hearted person turns my camera in!!


Samantha said...

Happy 1st birthday Taylor!!!! So glad you had a fun party. Congrats on the new house. I know yall are too excited!

Was someone else taking pictures with their camera too?

James, Paige, and Taylor Wamble said...

yes, so i know i will be able to get those.. and of course, i am so glad i have done this blog because i know i can print pics from here somehow!! glad mr hunter is doing better!!!

Bo, Tori, and Brayden said...

happy 1st birthday taylor! i know ya'll had lots of fun! :)

About Blair Curtis.... said...

Happy First Birthday! Wow, it's amazing how time flies!! Hope it was a wonderful one!