Thursday, December 11, 2008


Well, I would love to say this is what we woke up to this morning, but it isn't. I got up and dressed for school. We were told to watch the weather for snow, but you know how that goes in south MS. It was raining and sleeting outside, so I got ready for school. By the time James and I got ready, the rain turned completely over to snow. These were the best pics I could get from inside the house. Taylor keeps going to the back door and just staring out at the snow!! It is so beautiful!!! We just got over a back cold, so I am second guessing putting her out in the snow. Will post pics later if we decide to play!!!! Have a wonderful Thursday!!
I have to say in all the years of my life (28) I have NEVER seen a snow before Christmas!!!! It just makes the holiday season even better!!!
*** This is just the beginning of the snow! The weather man is predicting 3 - 5 inches!! Will post more pics after it's over!!!****