Wednesday, July 9, 2008



I tried to do the slide show and it never worked, so i had to upload each pic!! Don't worry.. I took out as many as I could!! We had a great trip to Destin. Taylor was way better than we could have asked for. She usually starts to get cranky being away from her routine and home for that long.. but she was great!! We all had fun.. and the babies really enjoyed playing with each other! They really love each other already!!

daddy teaching tay how to swim!! check out the golf tan.... think he plays enough?? haha... we still love you!!

taylor and her pop

not real sure she likes the sand on her hands.. i don't blame her.. who does??

i was trying to get taylor to stand up and all she wanted to do was sit in the water!

cici with taylor in the baby pool

the babies snacking on a biter biscuit while we wait at the restaurant. it was really late(for them) like 8:00 and they were being so good!!

too hot :)

talking to her daddy :0

cici and pop with the grand babies!!

cici and taylor with their matching pajamas

we had to wait at the restaurant... what a surprise:) so, we decided to wait at the car for a little while to pass the time... you see where taylor is.. standing up playing in the back of our truck!!

loves her mommy!!!!

1 comment:

THE MASON'S said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. We are going the 19th and I cant wait!!! Taylor is too cute in her little swimming suits. Take care.